miércoles, 23 de agosto de 2017

Tribute to Magic the Gathering - Magic cards CALL FOR ART TRIBUTE

CALL ART TRIBUTE  OF Magic The gathering 
Illustration: The work will be exposed live and should be sent in digital format A4 300 dpi. vertical.
MAIL to send your work: 
Juan:  juanmaglv@gmail.com
The date of delivery of the work is
 Friday, September 15, 
so we can work on putting together the sample.
About the sample: The show will be held on the last Saturday of October in the framework of an event 
held by Geek Out Argentina. Https://www.facebook.com/Geek.Out.Argentina/
re-SEND this mail if you know some drawing fan of magic ;)
Has beautiful art and great mythology,  we want to pay tribute
the spells and creatures that inhabit your universe. We are looking for gore drawings
to participate exposing a work about their favorite cards. 
based on an existing letter taking into account the name of the letter, the text and the ability.
The called ones will realize a work to expose in the event.The work will be accompanied by information 
from the letter, an image of the work in Magic letter version, an image of the original letter and a bio of the artist.
With the works will be made a deck of cards, this will be put on sale to finance the costs of the sample.
CHOOSE YOUR CARD:   examples: https://mtgcolorpie.com/100-best-designed-cards-ever-visual-spoiler/   
We decided not to make a list not to limit them, we ask you to answer this mail with options 
of the letters that you would like to draw. We will answer you by assigning you one of them. 
If you do not have a good idea or do not decide, let us know so we will help you.
Thank you very much for participating!
THE ORGANIZERS do not have money to send the free cards,
we do everything because we are amateur fans.
But they can send you if they are interested if you pay airmail and little more :)

domingo, 13 de agosto de 2017

Alkom'X 9

Alkom'X 9 - 


Merci ALK! What would happen if the publishers of art books as Alk did not make these anthologies so mysterious and full of Magic drawings?We would all fall down a muddy ravine and live at the bottom of a forgotten swamp. Thanks for print such incredible things. Love. Muriel


Alkom'X 9 NEIN 10!
Publisher : Le Garage L. (France)
Collectif 2017 Comic / illustration & inbetween
Format/size : A4 + various
Print : silkscreen / sérigraphie / stencil / pochoir
Paper : 65grs + 170grs
Pages : 88+24+16+1 stamp/timbres = 128
Copies : 100 (+50 HC)
Prix / Price : 20euro
Shipping : 4.50 (France) / 9euro (Europe) / 11euro (World)
Contact : alkbazz(at)free.fr / order(at)garage-l.fr
Auteurs/Artistes :
Adam Stone + Nils Bertho, Andy Leuenberger, Anna Ehrlemark, Ben Sanair, Boris Pramatarov, Crippa Almqvist, David Paleo, Gabriel Delmas, Gaspard Pitiot, Margaux Salmi, Gene Mutation, Gwen Tomahawk, Hugo Charpentier, Ivana Armanini, Jean-Jacques Tachdjian, Jean-Paul Gaucher, Johannes Stahl, Jon Vaughn, Jyrki Heikkinen, Kapreles, Kaz (France), Ludovic Adam, Marc van Elburg, Mattias Elftorp, Muriel Bellini, Nigoul, Olaf Ladousse, Paatrice HSH, Mutartis Boswell, Reijo Kärkkäinen, Sam Rictus, Thomas Raimondi, Timothy Georgarakis, Timwnas Timwn, Guillermo Valarino, Valfret, Vanco Rebac, Theo von Wood, Vladimir Palibrk, Wilda Wolf, William Davison, Xenoïde, Alkbazz, Zigendemonic, Zven Balslev
